China Daily SmartEdition

Some people can only lie about Xinjiang


German “researcher” Adrian Zenz has tweeted snapshots of a chat he had with Bing’s chat AI on Sunday, in which he was told to change the topic when he asked if a “genocide” had taken place in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

Zenz then prompted the AI, using terms such as “sterilization”, but the latter responded saying there were reports and allegations about what he was saying. Zenz then concluded that Bing’s chat AI refused to answer the question because it holds a different view on the topic thanks to China’s “disinformation narrative”.

Zenz is so carried away by his “research” that he forgets he has been fabricating lies about a “genocide” in Xinjiang since 2016, something that much of the Western media have eagerly lapped up and is reporting widely, triggering a wave of attacks against China.

The fact is Zenz has never even been to Xinjiang, and his conclusion about a “genocide” there is based on wild guesses about population data from there. The few people that frequently appear in his reports have been shown to be giving false testimonies; in fact some of them are just names of people who do not even exist. The local government in Xinjiang has held several news conferences to debunk Zenz’s lies and even invited

Western journalists to do interviews there.

Zenz, who faces sanctions from China, continues making wild and unfounded allegations about Xinjiang. When Xinjiang counters his misinformation with facts, Zenz calls it a “disinformation narrative”.

Maybe Zenz needs to know that debating with an AI and blaming it for not agreeing with him doesn’t make him a hero. He should consider arguing with people who live in Xinjiang, have visited there and report from there. Of course, it won’t fit the narrative he is peddling.





China Daily