China Daily SmartEdition

The China story, by ChatGPT

AI bot says the world can learn much from the country’s economic and political experience

By ABDULLAH GAUHAR MALIK The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad, Pakistan. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

The success of the People’s Republic of China is no secret to the world. No matter which side of the spectrum one might find themselves on — be it pro-China and its policies, or otherwise — it is hard to deny the great strides that the country has made in just a few decades.

While writers and analysts around the world, especially within China, have churned out piece after piece analyzing the republic’s success story, each of them giving their subjective yet non-convincing account, it seems like the perfect time to get a little creative with the help of artificial intelligence.

To this end, I decided to give ChatGPT, the new AI program which has become the rage these days, a few prompts to write a piece on China and what has made the country so successful. What follows may be the country’s first AI-generated op-ed on its performance.

“China has experienced unprecedented economic growth over the past few decades, transforming itself from a predominantly agricultural society to becoming the world’s second-largest economy. The country’s rise has been nothing short of remarkable, and its success can be attributed to several factors. In this article, we will explore why China is successful and what other countries can learn from its experience.

One of the key factors behind China’s success is its government policies and planning. The Chinese government has implemented various policies and plans to promote economic growth, such as the ‘reform and opening-up’ policy initiated in 1978. This policy encouraged foreign investment and trade, paving the way for China’s integration into the global economy.

The government’s plan also aims to upgrade China’s manufacturing capabilities, promoting innovation and competitiveness in key sectors such as aerospace, robotics, and electric vehicles. Other countries can learn from China’s experience by developing their own subjective long-term plans and policies to promote economic growth.

The People’s Republic has also invested heavily in infrastructure development, building modern highways, high-speed railways, advanced airports, and state-of-the-art telecommunications networks. This investment has helped to connect the country and boost economic activity. For instance, the high-speed rail network has made travel easier and faster, allowing people and goods to move across the country more efficiently.

Countries on the verge of development and looking for inspiration can learn from China’s experience by investing in their own infrastructure, which can help to create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve the quality of life for their citizens.

China’s population of 1.4 billion provides a large and growing market for goods and services. The country’s middle class is growing rapidly, providing a new wave of consumers with increased purchasing power. This domestic market has attracted many foreign businesses to invest in the country, creating new opportunities for growth and expansion.

Developing countries can learn from this aspect of Chinese growth by expanding their own domestic markets and consumer bases, which can help to stimulate economic growth and reduce dependence on exports.

The country has also, over the past few decades, made significant investments in education, resulting in a highly skilled workforce that is able to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.

China’s education system is highly competitive, with students competing for admission to top universities. There is also a strong focus on STEM education, producing a large pool of graduates with skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Other countries, too, can follow a similar trajectory by investing in their own education systems and workforce development, which can help to promote innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth.

China’s integration into the global economy has allowed it to take advantage of international trade and investment opportunities. China is now the world’s largest trading nation, with trade accounting for a significant portion of its GDP. The country has also become a major investor abroad, investing in infrastructure, resources, and technology in countries around the world. As it seems obvious, embracing globalization and international trade is the way forward, which can help to create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve living standards.

The Chinese government has been able to provide stable leadership and maintain political stability, which has helped to foster an environment conducive to economic growth. The country’s rather controversial yet effective one-party political system has allowed for more effective policy implementation and decision-making, without the gridlock that can occur in multiparty systems.

‘Democratic’ countries around the globe can learn from China’s experience by developing their own stable political systems and leadership, which can help to promote economic growth and development.”

Okay, so there we have it. It is me again. Not the AI bot speaking. While there is no denying that artificial intelligence is no Adam Smith with the pen, it does have the broad strokes of its arguments right. A reply that is both admirable and impressive. While some of the aforementioned arguments may be more contestable than others, the overarching analysis is not off the mark.





China Daily